Our Approach
The Crescent team employs a comprehensive approach to wealth management to craft a financial plan that correlates to your goals for all life stages.
A Differentiated Approach to Wealth Advisory
A Clear and Uncomplicated Business Model
The model is designed to ensure that our advice and recommendations are able to protect our client’s financial affairs with absolute objectivity
Unbiased Advice, Consulting and a True Fiduciary Relationship
Your interests are best served when your advisor is your consultant and acts as a truly unbiased fiduciary, as opposed to brokerage house advisors who are held only to the “suitability” standard and sell proprietary products.
An Open-Architecture Approach For Investment Solutions, Outside Advisors, Credit Solutions and Banking
Solutions for each client are sourced from the best available across the industry with a wealth advisory team not obligated to sell product. Crescent Wealth Advisory earns no management fees on any investment, credit, and/or banking solutions recommended.
We are Fiduciaries
A fiduciary is someone who has undertaken to act for and on behalf of another in a particular matter in circumstances which give rise to a relationship of trust and confidence. - Bristol & West Builg Society v Mothew
The Client Experience
Our Investment Philosophy
All Weather Portfolios
Portfolios are constructed to perform in varying economic environments and focus on generating absolute returns.
True Objectivity
Crescent Wealth Advisory, nor any of our due diligence partners, receive compensation from recommended asset managers, which is a departure from the norm.
Active vs. Passive Management
Passive, cost-effective ETFs are used for exposure to efficient markets, while institutional quality active managers are employed for inefficient sectors that require expertise.
The advisory team at Crescent customizes risk profiles and manager selection to best serve each client’s interests.
Institutional-Level Due Diligence
All components of portfolio management — from manager selection, to underlying securities, to risk profile assessment — pass through Crescent’s institutional due diligence process.
Holistic Asset Allocation
For larger relationships, we consider a client’s overall balance sheet and work to reduce risks associated with over-concentration, due to public and private investment holdings.
Our Process
Asset Allocation
The first step in creating an investment portfolio that matches your core financial goals is developing an appropriate asset allocation that attempts to reduce risk by diversifying among various asset classes and investment vehicles.
Income requirements, risk tolerance, investment horizon, liquidity needs and tax consequences are taken into consideration.
Using this information to guide us, we seek to maximize after-tax, risk-adjusted returns within a framework that reflects your needs.
Portfolio Construction
Combining disciplined asset allocation strategies and sophisticated optimization models, we build a customized portfolio that seeks to generate a meaningful risk-adjusted return that takes into account your tax situation.
Crescent evaluates each selected investment vehicle for performance and appropriateness to your portfolio.
When beneficial, we use alternative investment strategies to improve your portfolio’s risk and return characteristics.
Implementation and Monitoring
Once a portfolio is developed, we continuously monitor its performance and work with you to help maintain an appropriate asset allocation that takes life changes and investment conditions into account.
In addition to quarterly reporting, we meet with each client at least annually to review portfolio performance.